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steal攻略,steal it攻略22关怎么过

时间:2022-06-30 00:39:57来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版

1,steal it攻略22关怎么过

1. 右边条纹枕头移开,得到电池。2. 中间背对沙发有光盘盒。3. 按落地灯“蓝绿红”顺序,打开得到光盘。4. 光盘放入光盘机。5. 左侧架子粉红色盒子,按ROSE得到钥匙。6. 钥匙打开电视柜得到遥控器。7. 遥控器放入1得到的电池,得到数字。8. 按数字打开立柜,拿到物品通关。
1. 右边条纹枕头移开,得到电池。2. 中间背对沙发有光盘盒。3. 按落地灯“蓝绿红”顺序,打开得到光盘。4. 光盘放入光盘机。5. 左侧架子粉红色盒子,按rose得到钥匙。6. 钥匙打开电视柜得到遥控器。7. 遥控器放入1得到的电池,得到数字。8. 按数字打开立柜,拿到物品通关。

steal攻略,steal it攻略22关怎么过

2,谁有Stealing Eden唱的Thrown Away 歌词

Thrown Away - Stealing EdenMy time is over And Im getting colder As I seem to slip away I slip away Im barely breathing, is my heart still beating Hold my breath just to make it through As I lay here dying Everything will be okay I will not stop trying Never thought it would end this way As I lay here screaming Everything will be okay All these years Ive thrown away I fall to pieces from these hopeless reasons As I hear my own heart break My own heart break Im always wanting just to stop the haunting From those things you never say As I lay here dying Everything will be okay I will not stop trying Never thought it would end this way As I lay here screaming Everything will be okay All these years Ive thrown away Ive thrown away As I lay here dying, I will not stop trying I dont want you to be afraid As I lay here dying, I will not stop trying I dont want you to be afraid Is this the end? As I lay here dying Everything will be okay I will not stop trying Never thought it would end this way As I lay here screaming Everything will be okay All these years Ive thrown away Ive thrown away

steal攻略,steal it攻略22关怎么过


展开全部DEFENSE 防守设置 Pause 游戏暂停 Intentional Foul 故意犯规 Lock-on D 不明(我理解是锁住防守队员) Sprint 加速 Coaching - Matchups 更改防守叮人对象 Coaching - Plays 更换战术 Coaching - Setting 设定 Coaching - Subs 换人 UP 跑动方向键上 Down 跑动方向键下 Left 跑动方向键左 Right 跑动方向键右 Shot stick Up 右摇杆上 Shot stick Down 右摇杆下 Shot stick Left 右摇杆左 Shot stick Right 右摇杆右 Icon Swap 定位转换防守队员(与以下键组合使用) Player Swap 转换防守队员 Take Charge 制造犯规 Steal 盗球 Block/Rebound 盖帽/篮板 键位翻译(进攻篇) OFFENSE 进攻设置 Pause 游戏暂停 Timeout 比赛暂停 Post-up 护球,原地插花 Sprint 加速 Coaching - Heat Check 查看最新资讯(场上球员得分与命中率) Coaching - Plays 更换战术 Coaching - Setting 比赛设定 Coaching - Subs 换人 UP 跑动方向键上 Down 跑动方向键下 Left 跑动方向键左 Right 跑动方向键右 Shot stick Up 右摇杆上 Shot stick Down 右摇杆下 Shot stick Left 右摇杆左 Shot stick Right 右摇杆 Pass 传球 Crossover 不用介绍了吧...插花(有假身动作) Shoot 射球上篮灌篮(灌篮时需与Sprint组合) Spin 转身
展开全部DEFENSE 防守设置 Pause 游戏暂停 Intentional Foul 故意犯规 Lock-on D 不明(我理解是锁住防守队员) Sprint 加速 Coaching - Matchups 更改防守叮人对象 Coaching - Plays 更换战术 Coaching - Setting 设定 Coaching - Subs 换人 UP 跑动方向键上 Down 跑动方向键下 Left 跑动方向键左 Right 跑动方向键右 Shot stick Up 右摇杆上 Shot stick Down 右摇杆下 Shot stick Left 右摇杆左 Shot stick Right 右摇杆右 Icon Swap 定位转换防守队员(与以下键组合使用) Player Swap 转换防守队员 Take Charge 制造犯规 Steal 盗球 Block/Rebound 盖帽/篮板 键位翻译(进攻篇) OFFENSE 进攻设置 Pause 游戏暂停 Timeout 比赛暂停 Post-up 护球,原地插花 Sprint 加速 Coaching - Heat Check 查看最新资讯(场上球员得分与命中率) Coaching - Plays 更换战术 Coaching - Setting 比赛设定 Coaching - Subs 换人 UP 跑动方向键上 Down 跑动方向键下 Left 跑动方向键左 Right 跑动方向键右 Shot stick Up 右摇杆上 Shot stick Down 右摇杆下 Shot stick Left 右摇杆左 Shot stick Right 右摇杆 Pass 传球 Crossover 不用介绍了吧...插花(有假身动作) Shoot 射球上篮灌篮(灌篮时需与Sprint组合) Spin 转身

steal攻略,steal it攻略22关怎么过

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