按~打开Console,然后在游戏中输入devmap XXX(注意,不是spdevmap。XXX是关卡代号,如果不清楚关卡代号可以进入某一任务后打开控制台打mapname你就会知道关卡代号)进入后就可以开秘籍了。还有,进入下一关秘籍就不能用,退回主菜单再进入任务也不能再用秘籍,需再打devmap XXX才可以,Restart Level可以继续使用秘籍。 秘籍如下: god 无敌 notarget 隐形 give all 使用当前关卡全部武器 give ammo 补充弹药 noclip 穿墙ufo 同上jump_height 1000 跳高,最大1000,默认好像是39cg_laserforceon 1/0 红外瞄准开或关 player_sprinttime 12.8 玩家跑步时间,最大12.8,默认4 player_sprintspeedscale 5 玩家跑步速度,最快为5,默认为1.5 player_meleerange 1000 玩家匕首使用距离,按V键的匕首,最大为1000,默认为39 friendlyfire_enable 0 误杀队友不会有提示,这个不在秘籍模式下也可以用,默认为1
8,有什么软件里面只有短篇英语励志美文 带翻译的
你要真的想收藏有趣的文字,我推荐 doodle god 涂鸦上帝每拼出一个元素就有有趣的话弹出来。因为软件有英文版有中文版,你要有毅力就把英文版和中文版对照着玩就可以有带翻译的趣文了。虽然听起来很受罪,但我为了收集这些美文就是这么做的,其乐无穷,那些文字写的太好了。给你一些例子:The man who moved the mountain began by carrying away small stones.One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocksA diamond with a flaw is better than a common stone that is perfectReality is an illusion caused by lack of alcohol.I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. –Winston ChurchillAll men of one metal, but not in one mold.The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.The dog is the only animal that has seen his god.作文不写man and from the infinite, so lon