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时间:2023-04-22 19:57:00来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版



世界末日the end of the world; doomsday; judgment day; the crack of doom更多释义>>[网络短语]世界末日 Armageddon;The End Of The World;End of the world世界末日的阴谋 The Doomsday Conspiracy再次世界末日 Armageddagain



the end of the world
end of the world
the end of the world
the end of the world
the end of the world
end of the world.



doomsdayjudgment daythe crack of doomthe end of the world这些都是世界末日,没有常用的缩写的。你可以用the end of the world的。
doomsday judgement day(多用在宗教上)世界末日
世界末日是,The end day



armageddon 这才是外国人能看得懂的翻译... end of the world表达的是"世界末日"这个意思,但是同样的也可以翻译成"世界的尽头"一类的. 如果楼主想要表达的是地球毁灭人类毁灭一类的,就是armageddon.这是基督教里面的一个词,最初说的是正邪最后的一场大战,后被西方国家广泛引申为世界末日,最终审判一类意思的表达.
doomsday judgment day the crack of doom the end of the world
the end of the world
The end of the world
end of the world

5,世界末日 英文翻译

doomsday n. 最后审判日,世界末日
Want to laugh to disguise the tears falling down Nodded that they would admit the dark I want to take a little time Do not even give you sympathy Cry to test their paralysis had not It seems only me tired all over the world Does not matter anyway, sorry for taking a perfunctory one back Hopefully, despair and helplessness emigrated Gray days will not let me forget who you are Night Dream contrary to the more difficult and hard to recover aftertaste My world will be destroyed may backfire Tired Modysleep does not sleep with no one single shadow leaned Contrary to the darker nights dream comfort Who My world will be destroyed Perhaps decadence is ... ... Cry to test their paralysis had not It seems only me tired all over the world Does not matter anyway, sorry for taking a perfunctory one back Hopefully, despair and helplessness emigrated Gray days will not let me forget who you are Night Dream contrary to the more difficult and hard to recover aftertaste My world will be destroyed may backfire Tired Modysleep does not sleep with no one single shadow leaned Night Dream contrary to the more difficult and hard to recover aftertaste My world will be destroyed Perhaps decadence is another US -
armageddon 这才是外国人能看得懂的翻译... end of the world表达的是"世界末日"这个意思,但是同样的也可以翻译成"世界的尽头"一类的. 如果楼主想要表达的是地球毁灭人类毁灭一类的,就是armageddon.这是基督教里面的一个词,最初说的是正邪最后的一场大战,后被西方国家广泛引申为世界末日,最终审判一类意思的表达.
DoomsdayEnd of the worldEnd of the Universe

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