Deadly Archer, Power of Shadow和Lithariel
符文:Test of Power:The Dark Ranger, Lord of the Hunt, Test of the Ring: Hidden Blade 年度版包含有
故事包, The Berserks and The Skull Crushers Warband Missions
挑战模式, Ascendant, Captain of the Watch, Test of Wisdom, Test of Speed, Orc Slayer, Test of Defiance Challenge Modes
追加新特性, One with Nature
任务, The Bright Lord:“The Lord of The Hunt”DLC和“光明领主(The Bright Lord)”DLC
皮肤, Test of the Wild, Elven Grace, Flame of Anor:Guardians of the Flaming Eye, Endless Challenge, Rising Storm, Defiant to the Endctrl+空格再按一次,关掉输入法~~~~~~~~~~~~
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符文:Test of Power:The Dark Ranger, Lord of the Hunt, Test of the Ring: Hidden Blade 年度版包含有
故事包, The Berserks and The Skull Crushers Warband Missions
挑战模式, Ascendant, Captain of the Watch, Test of Wisdom, Test of Speed, Orc Slayer, Test of Defiance Challenge Modes
追加新特性, One with Nature
任务, The Bright Lord:“The Lord of The Hunt”DLC和“光明领主(The Bright Lord)”DLC
皮肤, Test of the Wild, Elven Grace, Flame of Anor:Guardians of the Flaming Eye, Endless Challenge, Rising Storm, Defiant to the End