翠玉录 (2006-07-22 15:25:33) Verum, sine mendacio, certum, et verissimum:Quod est inferius est sicut quod est superius,et quod est superius est sicut quod est inferius,ad perpetranda miracula rei unius.Et sicut res omnes fuerunt ab uno, meditatione unius,sic omnes res natae ab hac una re, adaptatione.Pater eius est sol; mater eius est luna.Portavit illud ventus in ventre suo; nutrix eius terra est.Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic.Virtus eius integra est, si versa fuerit in terram.Separabis terram ab igne, subtile ab pisso, suaviter, magno cum ingenio.Ascendit a terra in coelum, iterumque descendit in terram,et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum.Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi.Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas.Haec est totius fortitudinis fortitudo fortis,quia vincet omnem rem subtilem,omnemque solidam penetrabit.Sic mundus creatus est.Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus est his.Itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus,habens tres partes philosophiae totius mundi.Completum est quod dixi de operatione solis英文When I entered into the cave,I received the tablet zaradi,which was inscribed,from between the hands of Hermes, in which I discovered these words:Ture,without falsehood,certain,most certain.What is above is like what is below,and what is below is like that which is above,to make the miracle of the one thing.And as all things were made from contemplation of one,so all things were born from one adaptation.Its father is the Sun,its mother is the Moon.The wind carried it in its womb,the earth breast fed it.It is the father of all workers of wonder in the world,and its power is complete.If cast to earth,it will separate earth from fire,the subtile from the gross.With great capacity it ascends from earth to heaven,again it descends to earth,and takes back the power of the above and the below.Thus u will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world,all obscurity will flee from u.This is the whole most strong strength of all strength,for it overcomes all subtle things,and penetrates all solid things.Thus was the world created.From this comes marvelous adaptations of which this is the procedure.Therefore I am called Hermes,because I have three parts of the wisdom of the whole world,and complete is what I had to say about the work of the sun.