不能。joker只能在纸牌中翻译成王牌。实际上叫做鬼牌更为合适。joker的含义如下:1N-COUNT 爱开玩笑的人;逗趣的人 Someone who is a joker likes making jokes or doing amusing things.He is, by nature, a joker, a witty man with a sense of fun.他天性是个爱开玩笑的人,说话诙谐,很有幽默感。2N-COUNT (纸牌中的)百搭牌,王牌 The joker in a pack of playing cards is the card which does not belong to any of the four suits.3N-COUNT 愚蠢的人;举止危险的人;小丑 You can call someone a joker if you think they are behaving in a stupid or dangerous way.Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with.留神那些活宝,你永远也不知道他们会想出什么样的主意。4PHRASE 与众不同的人(或事物);难以捉摸的人(或事物) If you describe someone or something as the joker in the pack, you mean that they are different from the other people or things in their group, and can be unpredictable.其实是可以的,有的人认为joker只能翻译成扑克中的王牌,其实,中文里面也有这样的,比如说南郭先生,外国人的视角可能是只能指南郭这个人,而不是滥竽充数的人,joker在扑克中地位最大,最有力的一张牌,所以可以把他比喻最有力的人,也就是王牌。应该不能吧。