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this is the police,以交通警察和路人的故事编一个故事的英语作文

时间:2022-05-20 18:01:49来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版


this is the police,以交通警察和路人的故事编一个故事的英语作文


what you wanna be

this is the police,以交通警察和路人的故事编一个故事的英语作文


冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。英语定冠词 :the

this is the police,以交通警察和路人的故事编一个故事的英语作文


KnockKnock Game 当幽灵来敲门汉化版 参考: KnockKnock :敲敲门 ; T KnockKnock :吉他摇滚 ; T KnockKnock :吉他摇滚

5,一首很好听的英文歌 女生唱的 高潮部分的歌词貌似是 this is my song

Fight song
fight song 38秒开始就是了
Ben Moon ft Veela - Majesty


自己改动一下就行了 ·小学英语作文 ·初中英语作文 ·高中英语作文 ·大学英语作文 ·考研英语作文 ·中考英语作 文 ·高考英语作文 ·英语四级作文 ·英语写作资料 ·GRE作文 ·留学文书写作 ·雅思考试作文 ·英语六级作文。  http://www.rrting.com/English/yyxw/ 这里有近千篇英语作文,希望能帮到你,好就要给分喔,未来几年写作文都不用怕了 jkl,76


你说的是《惊声尖笑1》,去看看吧~ 剧情介绍: 六个高中生,在暑假一个狂欢夜中,不意撞死了一名路人。为了不让这件事影响他们大好未来,他们遂决定毁尸灭迹,假装无事发生过。然而,当他们回去上学后,一封声称知道他们犯行的匿名恐吓信不意出现。引来众多媒体与警察前来调查报导。结果,其他人从此便身陷在被杀害的恐惧阴影中。虽然,他们每个人皆使出浑身解数以防自己被杀。还是一个接一个以离奇可笑的方式遭到谋杀。而凶手,却是最意想不到的人……

8,英语翻译 请求帮忙 谢谢

你好,我正在寻找螺母和螺栓来给摩托车替换零件。 螺母和螺栓必须是用钛和不锈钢做成的。 一寸的长度是5〞16,1〞2,3〞8 抛光处理 抛光处理化学剥皮或化学酸洗 标准和公制螺纹尺寸 希望你把所有的东西放在一个excel文档里面并提供一个周长尺寸给我,谢谢!
1.battle 2.controled 3.was good at 4.must stop 5.followed the request 6.by the request of the writer 7.to ask for 8.can open 9.My wife said:”You’d better not smoking”. 10.She told me not smoking in the class. 11.母亲告诉她儿子选这扇门。 12.老师说:“孩子们,不要发出噪音” 13.Go straight 14.Distance line 15.How 16.That’s why 17.This is the reason that 18.fluently oral English 19.have vacation in Singapore 20.Except Spanish 21.in north-west 22.of the block


1.您好,这里是XX119消防指挥中心。   Hello, XX 119 Fire Department Command Center. Can I help you?   2.这是消防队。   Fire Brigade,here.   3.请等一会儿.   Please hold on.   4.请问你能说汉语吗?   Can you speak Chinese?   5.我能帮助您什么吗?   Can I help you?   6.您有什么麻烦吗?   What’s the matter with you?   7.是。什么地址?   Yes. What’s the address?   8.请将您的准确地址告诉我。   Please tell me exactly where you are.   9.我可以知道你的名字吗?   May I know your name?   10.你的姓名是什么?   What’s your name, please?   11.请拼写出来。   Please spell your name.   或Spell it please.   12.你从哪打的电话?   And where are you ringing from?   13.有人受伤吗?   Is anyone injured?   14.谢谢。我们马上就到。   Thank you. We’ll be arriving very soon.   15.请在原地别走开,我们就到了。   Please stay where you are. We’ll be present right away.   16.请问事态(火势、伤势、病情)是否严重?   Is the situation (fire, injury, illness) serious?   17.请问受伤者的人数。   How many people are injured?   18.死亡人数是多少?   How much is the death toll?   19.您受伤了吗?是否需要救护车?   Are you injured? Do you need an ambulance?   20.我听不懂你的话。你能否请当地人帮你陈述?   I can’t understand your words. Would you please ask a local person to indicate the detail for you?   21.对不起,请您讲慢一点。   Excuse me,a little slower please.   或Excuse me, would you mind speaking a little slower?   22.对不起,请您重复一遍。   Sorry,I beg your pardon.   23.请别着急。   Don’t be nervous.   或Don’t be anxious.   Take it easy.   24.我们已经接到报警。   We’ve received the report for police service.   25.请你稍等,我们很快就到。   Just a minute,please.We’ll get to the scene very soon.   26.对不起,电话太多,让您久等了。   I am sorry for keeping you waiting so long,but the line has been busy.   27.请稍候,警察将会尽快赶到。   Just a minute,please. The local police officer will hurry to the scene as soon as possible.   28.对不起,很报歉,我们不了解情况,请您向相关部门去咨询一下。他们的电话是XXXXXXX。   We are sorry. We are not familiar with the situation. Would you mind consulting a relevant branch? The phone number is XXXXXXX.   29.您反映的情况不归我们处理。请您打另外的电话xxx。   We are not in charge of your case. Please call xxx for help.   We can do nothing in a case which is out of our jurisdiction.   31.很报歉,我们尽力为您联系一下,请您也向相关部门求援。   We’re very sorry. We’ll try to help you as much as we can. We also   advise you do to ask a department concerned for help. The phone   number is XXXXXXX.   32.您打错了,我们这里是110报警服务台。   You’ve got the wrong number. This is the Police Service Center    with the phone number 110.   33.非常乐意为您服务,请别客气。   You are welcome. It’s our pleasure to help you.   34.感谢您的监督。   Thank you for your advice.   35.谢谢合作。   Thanks for your cooperation.   二、外国人报警求助常用英语   36.我家失火了。   My house is on fire!   There’s a fire in my neighborhood.   37.我有危险,需要帮助。   38.救命! 救命!   Help! Help!   39.有人纵火烧房子。   Someone is setting fire to a house.   40.我家失火了。   My house is on fire.   41.我家煤气泄露。   The gas in my home is leaking out.   42.我触电了,需要抢救。   I got an electric shock. I need a doctor.   43.我的钥匙丢了,需要你们帮我开门。   My key was lost. I need your help.   I am from England (America, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Korea).   45.我是英国人(美国人、日本人、法国人、德国人、意大利人、俄国人、韩国人)。   I am an English (an American, a Japanese, a French, a German, an   Italian, a Russian, a Korean).   三、火灾疏散(Fire Evacuation)   46.请注意,我们是枣庄消防。   Attention please,this is the zaozhuang Fire Department.   47.你们的大楼失火了。   There is a fire in your building.   48.你们必须立刻疏散。   You need to evacuate immediately.   49. 不要惊慌!   Do not panic!   50. 用湿毛巾盖住嘴巴和鼻子。   Use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose.   51. 赶快往最近的紧急出口去。   Walk quickly to the nearest emergency exit.   52.好好走,不要跑!   Walk! do not run!   53. 不要去拿你的个人财物。   Do not take your personal belongings.   54. 不要使用电梯。   Do not use the elevators.   55. 马上离开这栋大楼。   Get out of the building now!   56. 不要试图从大楼上跳下来。   Do not attempt to jump off of the building.

文章TAG:this  is  the  police  以交通警察和路人的故事编一个故事的英语作文  交通  


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