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时间:2022-06-20 19:05:05来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版











到龙宫中层离开~到达中层打开地图可见出口 中层很隐秘~非常非常无奈~ 在下层旅馆左侧有个旋转楼梯通向中层~跟找菲儿时的旋梯一个模样 (或许你没找到菲儿) 找到中层后面就不用我说了吧 一楼说不能回龙宫~错 紫榕林之后还可以去


Xcape的密室玩了好几个,算有点经验啦。总结了一些小技巧,不涉及内容的剧透,可以放心阅读。 1、有抽屉一定要打开!有按键一定要按下去! 2、看到镜子记得找激光,看到激光记得照镜子! 3、看到一块拼图,一定要找其他的拼图。 4、山穷水尽的时候,可以看看房间地上有没有导轨的痕迹,说不定整个房间都是可以移动的~ 5、最后,一定要注意节省时间,需要使用提示的就问啦,不要在一个位置卡太久!

6,计算行列式第一行2141第二行3121第三行1232第四行5062 求详细

以下用【i1】,【i2】……表示第一行,第二行:【j1】,【j2】……表示第一列,第二列 原式= 【i2】-【i1】;【i3】-2×【i1】;【i4】-2×【i1】得: 将行列式按【j4】展开,得原式= 【j3】-【j2】,得: 按【i1】展开,得原式= 扩展资料: 行列式的计算技巧 1、化为三角形行列式 若能把一个行列式经过适当变换化为三角形,其结果为行列式主对角线上元素的乘积。因此化三角形是行列式计算中的一个重要方法。 2、降阶法 降阶法是按某一行(或一列)展开行列式,这样可以降低一阶,更一般地是用拉普拉斯定理,这样可以降低多阶,为了使运算更加简便,往往是先利用列式的性质化简,使行列式中有较多的零出现,然后再展开。 3、递推公式法 递推公式法:对n阶行列式Dn找出Dn与Dn-1或Dn与Dn-1, Dn-2之间的一种关系——称为递推公式(其中Dn, Dn-1, Dn-2等结构相同),再由递推公式求出Dn的方法称为递推公式法。 4、拆开法 把某一行(或列)的元素写成两数和的形式,再利用行列式的性质将原行列式写成两行列式之和,使问题简化以利计算。
行列式d= 2 1 4 1 3 -1 2 4 1 2 3 2 5 0 1 2 r2+r1,r3-2r1 = 2 1 4 1 5 0 -2 3 -3 0 -5 0 5 0 1 2 按第2列展开 = 5 -2 3 -3 -5 0 5 1 2 *(-1)^(1+2) r1-r3,r3-2r2 = 0 -3 1 -3 -5 0 5 7 0 *(-1) 按第3列展开 = [(-3)*7 -5*(-5)] *(-1) *(-1)^(1+3) = -4 所以得到 行列式值 d= -4
第一二行相加等于 5 0 6 2 与第四行相等 根据行列式性质 行列式的值为0


1. 开始用手直接触摸蒙娜丽莎的眼睛,会发出语音。 2. 接下来玻璃箱下面的柜子会弹开,里面有几张名画的图片,找出与墙上不同的一幅画(进门左边第一幅),里面隐藏的数字密码是2613。 3. 输入密码后会开启一个新的房间,桌上摆放着4张机票和一架飞机模型,按照时间顺序将机票放好 4. 再依次找出地图上与机票上的地区,把飞机贴在上面按顺序依次滑动(其实地图上会有微微凸起的地方,就是感应点)这个房间里的柜子就会弹开,里面有嫌疑人的信息卡,名画上的一块卡片拼图,以及下个关卡需要的工具。 5.把卡片贴在名画向对应的地方,暗门会打开,把小盒子里的塑胶(?)贴在指纹锁上,左边的柜子会弹开,里面要输入密码(20121206),最后一个暗门也会打开。 6.把手放在台子的手印上,梵高的向日葵就会升起,将花拿出来放进外面的画框里,会有投影投出嫌疑人的一半鞋印嫌疑人是那个163cm高的保安。 7.根据第三个暗门里的语音可以听到“三年前”,正好嫌疑人资料上有“三年前有兄去世”(记不太清楚了,应该是这个意思);能打应急电话的只有保安。说出原因应该就可以通过了。
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1.门口画面, 在左上角的盒内取得电路板,盒下的架子上得到一支铁竿 2.电脑画面, 柜子后面取得电线(黑色突出一点点,要仔细看) 3.电视机画面, 左边桌子上拿纸, cd盒旁边拿到螺丝刀 4.床和放电视机柜附近有个空间, 点那里会换画面,捡到钥匙 5.用钥匙打开桌上的红色小盒子, 取得谜之纸 6.床画面, 把谜之纸放到显微镜旁, 枕头下取得钥匙, 狂点枕头会掉出发条上紧器 6.点床下边缘, 切换到床底画面,用铁竿可以捡到一把钥匙 7.床下的钥匙用来开床边的抽屉, 然后下棋, 要最后只剩一枚棋子, 取得白色宝石, 布娃娃,遥控器 8.把宝石放到显微镜下, 点显微镜,得到电脑后面的保险箱的密码(要倒过来看) 9.墙的画面, 用布娃娃打开空调, 取得铁铲, 用铁铲铲墙可以看到一些字 10.在墙画面点上面, 会看到风扇, 使用遥控器, 会掉出一把钥匙 11.回电脑画面, 可以用钥匙打开两个抽屉, 中间抽屉拿笔, 下面抽屉拿到画像和录影带 12.把电线插到插座上, 用螺丝刀打开电脑机箱拿到裁纸刀, 装上电路板, 把纸放到打印机上 13.回去显微镜那里, 用笔涂柜上的纸, 得到一组电脑密码 14.把画像挂到床上的钩子上 15.回电脑把密码打上去, 按”印刷”, 得到打印好的纸 16.去电视机画面, 点一下电视机上方的板, 把纸用在板上, 再使用裁纸刀, 拼图,把"线"全部连起来就完成了,得到甲虫 17.再到电视柜和床后面的空间 (曾捡到钥匙的地方), 对上面的电线用甲虫, 得到软盘 18.在书掉上有个拿台灯一样的音乐盒,使用上发条器,听到一段音乐 19.把录影带放到录影机中 20.把软盘放到电视机旁的机器中, 回去看黑色的电脑会出现一些字, 它是说电脑后的保险箱已经通电了 21.点电脑右边桌子突出的角上方, 可以看见保险箱,用白色宝石上得到的密码打开保险箱,得到药水 22.把药水倒在床上方的画上 23.关上床边的抽屉在纸箱上找到另一把钥匙(倒药后才出现) 24.打开电脑旁第一个抽屉得到锤子, 用它打破镜子, 出现另一个保险箱 25.打开电脑旁最上面的一个抽屉, 然后点桌子右上方保险箱的那个角, 可以得到电线 26.把电线接到录影机上,就可以看电视了,得到数字表格 27.关灯,可以看到墙上的英文字母表格 + 画像上的数字 + 电视机画面上的数字表格 = 镜后保险箱的密码 28.在书桌上有两本书,在音乐书中有乐谱. 29.把游戏中的三首音乐拼到保险箱的门上,拼全后三条灯一个个亮起来,全亮后门就可以打开了.
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Key Structures A. 1. He read the book and returned it to the library. 2. The boy climbed the tree and picked some apples. 3. I opened the door and he came into the hall. 4. He looked for his pen but (he) could not find it. 5. She called to him but he did not answer her. 6. Everyone was out so I left a message. 7. He plays both soccer and rugby. 8. Both children and adults enjoy holidays. 9. He must be either very clever or very foolish. 10. Neither George nor Dave plays football. 11. George plays neither soccer nor rugby. 12. He neither knows nor cares. 13. He not only forgot to take his umbrella but he forgot to take his briefcase as well. B. a. believe, are joking, do not know, know, believe, forget, looked, Are you trying, believed, think, do you live, do not know b. put, cooked, smelt, sang, began, felt, put, crept c. has begun, was, flew, has flown, landed, landed, has just refused, wanted, did not take, was d. was telling/told, used to work, was, used to work, saved, bought, used to make/made, had, employed, smiled, remembered, was still smiling, opened, came, wanted e. 1. We are going to leave at six o’clock. 2. I am going to pay these bills tomorrow. 3. Are you going to write to him? 4. She is not going to look for a new job. 5. When are you going to buy a new car? f. will be held, will be visiting, will be building/will build, will also be building/will also build, will be held, will be called, will have completed, will have finished g. found, had run, had spent, took, saw, burst, said, had never run h. was asked, was wanted, was told, had been picked up, is now being sent, to be found, was stolen i. 1. He said (that) he was very tired. 2. She asked if I was tired. 3. Tom asked if Jack would arrive tomorrow. 4. Tom asked when Jack would arrive. 5. Mary asked if I’d (had) ever been abroad. 6. Jane asked why I hadn’t (had not) written to her. j. 1. he is 2. do not hurry 3. you would enjoy 4. were k. 1. to see 2. ironing 3. to leave/leaving 4. arguing/ to argue 5. seeing 6. waiting 7. working 8. going C. a. 1. mustn’t 2. needn’t 3. needn’t 4. mustn’t b. 1. Have a look at this. 2. He had a wash before going out. 3. I had a swim in the sea this morning. 4. She is having a rest. c. 1. Could 2. was able to 3. could 4. was able to D. The Wayle, a small river, the park, the Wayle, the river bank, Some children, games, the bank, some people, the river, the children, a ball, a passing boat, Some people, the bank, the man in the boat, The ball, the water, the children, any E. 1. There’s little I can do to help him. 2. There aren’t many apples on the tree, but you can pick a few if you want to. 3. he has less work to do than I have. 4. There isn’t much whisky in this bottle, but you can have a little if you want it. 5. He has fewer books than I have. 6. There were few people in the shop. F. 1. to 2. out of/ from 3. (up) to 4. at 5. into G. 1. with…to 2. for 3. for 4. with 5. at a. 1. too 2. denied 3. jobs 4. passed 5. other 6. looked at 7. so 8. such a 9. continuously 10. robbed 11. one 12. notice b. ‘Haven’t you finished this book yet?’ he asked. ‘I haven’t even started it,’ I answered. ‘Why not?’ he asked. ‘It’s an exciting story.’ ‘Perhaps it is,’ I answered, ‘but it’s too difficult for me. I spend more time looking up the dictionary than reading the book.’ c. 1. out 2. up 3. with 4. up 5. back d. 1. made 2. make 3. does 4. make 5. do 6. makes
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