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mold on pizza攻略,Toppings on pizza 是什么意思

时间:2022-06-22 12:18:11来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版

1,Toppings on pizza 是什么意思

pizza=比萨饼,toppings就是放在上面的配料,比如cheese,火腿(ham),pineapple(菠萝), olive(橄榄),mushrooms (蘑菇)等等等 toppings on pizza? 估计是问你想要在比萨饼上面放什么配料再看看别人怎么说的。
toppings=pizza上面的配料一般的pizza做起来要分三层最底下那层dough(面团)分thick(厚)或者thin(薄)然后是base 也就是芝士的那块地方 有各种各样的芝士可以选 也可以选含有番茄酱的那种最上面就是topping 也就是配料可以放各种各样想放的东西, 像peproni(香肠片), 菠萝还有青椒之类的

mold on pizza攻略,Toppings on pizza 是什么意思


1 flour water, butter, yeast, salt Mianpi made (as do the bread dough), the Pan-on, brush the top layer of tomato sauce, add all kinds of sausage, mushrooms on a random, put the final release wire cheese ( To be covered the whole cake)! On the baking oven to 220 degrees for 30 minutes or 40 minutes (with the size of the temperature adjustment of the number of times) 2 pizza Accessories: Butter, milk powder, cooking oil, tomato sauce, hot pepper Xiangsuan, wire cheese, green peppers, onions, shrimp, Tricholoma Practice: 1, milk powder, butter into the flour live better and 2 hours; 2, will be washed into onion ring, green pepper and cut into small washed, cleaned and cut into Tricholoma film; 3, in the Pan back on a little oil, after the dough into thin by the middle of a thick edge of a round cake with a fork in the cake evenly over the small bar, and then covered with tomato sauce and hot pepper Xiangsuan, Canada The onion, green pepper, Tricholoma, shrimp, cheese wire; 4, will be placed into pizza sauce in the microwave oven for 10 minutes, and then (crisp roast) 5 minutes after reaching the keys. Family pizza small skill test Raw materials: The production of the family "pizza" to use concentrate. High-gluten flour, cooking oil, yeast, tomatoes, onions at the end, garlic, meat or vegetables. Production method: First high-gluten flour with a little salt, yeast, such as cooking oil and knead Shangjin, the smooth soft dough into a stand-by. Re-modulation of tomato juice, fresh tomato, peeled and chopped onion seeds at the end, garlic, tomato sauce, fried through, plus a small amount of broth, boiled into a sauce, salt, pepper seasoning (also available bottled tomato sauce). Other ingredients according to his own liking selection, can-meat dish, meat, poultry, seafood aquatic products, vegetables and cut into plates or silk. Then, the fermentation into a good rolling pie dough, add a layer of tomato sauce, covered with all kinds of accessories, covered with the last of the sliced cheese, 200 ℃ into the oven or barbecue function out of the microwave oven baking, cut into Small chunks. Although the pizza is the foreign fast food, but in Chinese families in the kitchen can also be reflected in the "Chinese characteristics", choose the Hunsu eat raw materials to enhance the flavor, taste Gengshuang, more comprehensive nutrition. A "how to produce the pizza Mianpi (the amount of raw materials to 5 pizza dollars). Raw materials: High-gluten flour, 100 grams, 10 grams of sugar, salt 20 grams, 30 grams of milk powder, 2 eggs, 50 grams of refined oil, 40 g yeast Method: Add all the raw materials mixer, and then joined the amount of water, mixing dough into uniform. Dough will then be divided into 5 sub-agent small, spherical and Cuocheng, membrane covered with fresh, Xing Fa stand-by. When making pizza in general to use the tomato sauce. While the tomato sauce on sale in the market, but the effect was to produce their own good. B "home-made tomato sauce. Raw materials: 500 grams of tomato, garlic 25 grams, 150 grams of shredded onion, 25 grams of sugar, 100 grams of refined oil, a Pelargonium, salt, pepper, and the amount of Xian Tang Method: Jiaocheng peeled tomato ketchup. Add hot pot refined oil, garlic and onions under the first Chaoxiang broken, and then poured into the tomato paste, blended with Xian Tang, transferred to the sugar, salt, pepper, into the next Pelargonium, the fire will be small Water dry land, to pick Pelargonium, mold.

mold on pizza攻略,Toppings on pizza 是什么意思

3,侠盗飞车中 比萨饼摩托车在哪里 任务需要就是找不到 具体点谢

这不是侠盗4,而是 侠盗:罪恶都市这个摩托车叫pizza boy.在PIZZA店旁边就有..pizza店位置http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=504491232
第三个岛 做任务的地方有个摇滚乐团 t字形的路口 向左走 有一个披萨店 在披萨店外的右面外卖窗口那里再看看别人怎么说的。

mold on pizza攻略,Toppings on pizza 是什么意思


1 flour water, butter, yeast, salt Mianpi made (as do the bread dough), the Pan-on, brush the top layer of tomato sauce, add all kinds of sausage, mushrooms on a random, put the final release wire cheese ( To be covered the whole cake)! On the baking oven to 220 degrees for 30 minutes or 40 minutes (with the size of the temperature adjustment of the number of times) 2 pizza Accessories: Butter, milk powder, cooking oil, tomato sauce, hot pepper Xiangsuan, wire cheese, green peppers, onions, shrimp, Tricholoma Practice: 1, milk powder, butter into the flour live better and 2 hours; 2, will be washed into onion ring, green pepper and cut into small washed, cleaned and cut into Tricholoma film; 3, in the Pan back on a little oil, after the dough into thin by the middle of a thick edge of a round cake with a fork in the cake evenly over the small bar, and then covered with tomato sauce and hot pepper Xiangsuan, Canada The onion, green pepper, Tricholoma, shrimp, cheese wire; 4, will be placed into pizza sauce in the microwave oven for 10 minutes, and then (crisp roast) 5 minutes after reaching the keys. Family pizza small skill test Raw materials: The production of the family "pizza" to use concentrate. High-gluten flour, cooking oil, yeast, tomatoes, onions at the end, garlic, meat or vegetables. Production method: First high-gluten flour with a little salt, yeast, such as cooking oil and knead Shangjin, the smooth soft dough into a stand-by. Re-modulation of tomato juice, fresh tomato, peeled and chopped onion seeds at the end, garlic, tomato sauce, fried through, plus a small amount of broth, boiled into a sauce, salt, pepper seasoning (also available bottled tomato sauce). Other ingredients according to his own liking selection, can-meat dish, meat, poultry, seafood aquatic products, vegetables and cut into plates or silk. Then, the fermentation into a good rolling pie dough, add a layer of tomato sauce, covered with all kinds of accessories, covered with the last of the sliced cheese, 200 ℃ into the oven or barbecue function out of the microwave oven baking, cut into Small chunks. Although the pizza is the foreign fast food, but in Chinese families in the kitchen can also be reflected in the "Chinese characteristics", choose the Hunsu eat raw materials to enhance the flavor, taste Gengshuang, more comprehensive nutrition. A "how to produce the pizza Mianpi (the amount of raw materials to 5 pizza dollars). Raw materials: High-gluten flour, 100 grams, 10 grams of sugar, salt 20 grams, 30 grams of milk powder, 2 eggs, 50 grams of refined oil, 40 g yeast Method: Add all the raw materials mixer, and then joined the amount of water, mixing dough into uniform. Dough will then be divided into 5 sub-agent small, spherical and Cuocheng, membrane covered with fresh, Xing Fa stand-by. When making pizza in general to use the tomato sauce. While the tomato sauce on sale in the market, but the effect was to produce their own good. B "home-made tomato sauce. Raw materials: 500 grams of tomato, garlic 25 grams, 150 grams of shredded onion, 25 grams of sugar, 100 grams of refined oil, a Pelargonium, salt, pepper, and the amount of Xian Tang Method: Jiaocheng peeled tomato ketchup. Add hot pot refined oil, garlic and onions under the first Chaoxiang broken, and then poured into the tomato paste, blended with Xian Tang, transferred to the sugar, salt, pepper, into the next Pelargonium, the fire will be small Water dry land, to pick Pelargonium, mold.

5,求英语大神翻译 一个游戏 不知道披萨怎么从烤炉里拿出来



time(时间)=hourglass(砂漏,游戏里的是这样写的)+life(生活)hourglass(砂漏)=glass(玻璃)+sand(沙)1 1UP(加命)=life(生命)+ mushroom(蘑菇)2 air(空气)3 airplane(飞机)=metal(金属)+ bird(鸟)4 Albert Einstein(爱因斯坦) = scientist(科学家) + energy(能量)5 alcohol(酒)=fire(火)+ water(水)6 alcoholic(酗酒)=alcohol(酒)+ man(人类)7 algae(藻类)=life(生命)+ water(水)8 Alien(外星人) = star(星) + life(生活)9 aluminium(铝) = airplane(飞机) + metal(金属)10 Ambulance(救护车) = hospital(医院) + car(汽车)11 arable(耕地)=earth(土)+ tool(工具)12 arms(武器)=metal(金属)+ tool(工具)13 ash(灰)=dust(尘土)+ dust(尘土)14 ashtray(烟灰缸)=ash(灰)+ glass(玻璃)15 assassin(刺客)=man(人类)+ poisoned weapon(有毒武器)16 Australia(澳大利亚) = kangaroo (袋鼠)+ country(国家)17 avian flu(禽流感)=flu(流感)+ bird(鸟)361 Baby(婴儿)=life(生命)+ sex(性)18 bacon(熏肉)=pig(猪)+ fire(火)19 bacteria(菌)=life(生命)+ swamp(沼泽)20 bar(酒吧)=beer(啤酒)+ brick house(砖房)21 barbecue(烧烤)=fire(火)+ meat(肉类)22 bat(蝙蝠)=bird(鸟)+ vampire(吸血鬼)23 Batman(蝙蝠侠)=bat(蝙蝠)+ man(人类)24 beach(海滩)=sand(沙)+ water(水)25 bear(熊)=beast(兽)+ forest(林木)26 beast(兽)=lizard(蜥蜴)+ earth(土)27 beaver(海狸)=beast(兽)+ dam(水坝)28 Bee(蜜蜂) = flower(花) + beetle(甲虫)29 beer(啤酒)=alcohol(酒)+ wheat(小麦)30 beetle(甲虫)=earth(土)+ worm(蠕虫)362 beetroot(甜菜根)=sugar(糖)+ seed(种子)31 Belarus(白俄罗斯) = tractor(拖拉机) + country(国家)32 berry(浆果)=fruit(水果)+ grass(草)33 bicycle(自行车)=wheel(轮)+ wheel(轮)34 bird(鸟)=egg(鸡蛋)+ air(空气)35 bitumen(沥青)=kerogen(油母页岩)+ pressure(压力)36 blood(血)=dinosaur(恐龙)+ man(人类)37 boat(船)=water(水)+ wood(木)38 boiler(锅炉)=metal(金属)+ steam(蒸汽)39 book(书)=paper(纸)+ feather(羽毛)363 borscht(罗宋汤)=beetroot(甜菜根)+ fire(火)40 Bow(弓) = Robin Hood (罗宾汉)+ Arms(武器)41 bread(面包)=dough(生面团)+ fire(火)42 brick(砖)=fire(火)+ clay(粘土43 brick house(砖房)=brick(砖)+ concrete(混凝土)44 butterfly(蝴蝶)=air(空气)+ worm(蠕虫)45 cactus(仙人掌)=desert(沙漠)+ tree(树)364 camel(骆驼)=desert(沙漠)+ beast(兽)46 cancer(癌症) = man(人) + cigarette(香烟)47 car(汽车)=cart(车)+ combustion engine(内燃机)48 caramel(焦糖)=sugar(糖)+ fire(火)49 carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)=oxygen(氧)+ man(人类)50 carmine(深红色)=cochineal(胭脂虫)+ fire(火)51 cart(车)=wheel(轮)+ wood(木)52 cat(猫) = mouse(老鼠) + hunter(猎人)53 Catdog(猫狗兽) = cat(猫) + dog(狗)54 caviar(鱼子酱)=fish(鱼)+ fish(鱼)55 cement(水泥)=clay(粘土)+ limestone(石灰石)56 cemetery(墓地)=grave(坟墓)+ grave(坟墓)57 ceramics(陶瓷)=man(人类)+ clay(粘土)58 champagne(香槟)=wine(葡萄酒)+ carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)59 chariot(双轮战车)=warrior(战士)+ cart(车)60 cheese(奶酪)=milk(牛奶)+ mold(模型)61 chicken(小鸡)=egg(鸡蛋)+ life(生命)62 China(中国) = dragon(龙) + country(国家)365 chocolate(巧克力)=cocoa(可可豆)+ sugar(糖)63 Christmas tree(圣诞树)=light bulb(白炽灯)+ tree(树)64 cigarettes(香烟)=paper(纸)+ tobacco(烟草)65 city(城市)=skyscraper(摩天楼)+ skyscraper(摩天楼)66 clay(粘土)=sand(沙)+ swamp(沼泽)67 Clock(钟表) = time(时间)+ tool(工具)68 cloth(布)=tool(工具)+ wool(羊毛)69 clothing(服装)=cloth(布)+ man(人类)70 cloud(云)=air(空气)+ steam(蒸汽)71 coal(煤)=fire(火)+ wood(木)72 Coca-Cola(可口可乐)=carmine(深红色)+ soda water(苏打水)73 cochineal(胭脂虫)=beetle(甲虫)+ cactus(仙人掌)366 cocoa(可可豆)=seed(种子)+ Mexico(墨西哥)74 coffin(灵柩)=corpse(尸体)+ wood(木)75 coin(硬币) = money(钱) + metal(金属)76 combustion engine(内燃机)=gasoline(汽油)+ steam-engine(蒸汽引擎)77 concrete(混凝土)=cement(水泥)+ water(水)78 continent(大陆) = country(国家) + country(国家)79 corpse(尸体)=fire(火)+ man(人类)80 country(国家) = city(城市) + city(城市)367 crop circle(麦田圈)=UFO + arable(耕地)81 dam(母兽,应为水坝)=brick(砖)+ water(水)82 desert(沙漠)=sand(沙)+sand(沙)83 diamond(钻石)=uncut diamond(未切割钻石)+ tool(工具)84 diet(节食)=man(人类)+ yogurt(酸奶)85 Dilemma(进退两难) = chicken(小鸡)+ egg(鸡蛋)86 dinosaur(恐龙)=egg(鸡蛋)+ earth(土)87 Doctor(医生) = hospital + scientist88 Dog(狗) = wolf + man89 dough(生面团)=flour(面粉)+ water(水)368 Dr.Zoidberg(外星人医生)=doctor(医生)+ alien(外星人)90 dragon(龙)←fire(火)+ dinosaur(恐龙)91 dust(尘土)=air(空气)+ earth(土)E-1292 earth(土,基本元素)369 e-book(电子书)=microchip(集成电路)+ book(书)93 ectoplasm(外质)=energy(能源)+ ghost(幽灵)94 egg(鸡蛋,应理解为蛋)=stone(石)+ life(生活)95 Egypt(埃及) =mummy(木乃伊) + country(国家)96 electric eel(电鳗)=electricity(电)+ snake(蛇)97 electric ray(电鳐)=electricity(电)+ fish(鱼)98 electricity(电)=energy(能源)+metal(金属)99 Elephant(大象) = whale(鲸) + earth(土) 100 energy(能源)=fire(火)+ air(空气)代339 ent(行走树)=tree(树)+ life(生命)101 explosion(爆炸)=fire(火)+ gunpowder(火药)F-25102 Faberge egg(彩蛋) = egg(蛋) + diamond(钻石)103 farmer(农夫)=man(人类)+ seed(种子)104 fat(脂肪)=man(人类)+ pig(猪)105feather(羽毛)=hunter(猎人)+ bird(鸟)106 fern(蕨类)=moss(苔)+ swamp(沼泽)107 Finland(芬兰) = sauna(桑拿) + country(国家)108 fire(火)109 fire elemental(火元素)=fire(火)+ life(生活)110 firearms(枪械)=arms(武器)+ gunpowder(火药)111 firefighter(消防员)=fire(火)+ hero(英雄)112 firefly(萤火虫)=light(光)+ beetle(甲虫)113 fish(鱼)=plankton(浮游生物)+ bacteria(菌)114 fisherman(渔船,应为渔夫)=fish(鱼)+ hunter(猎人)115 flour(面粉)=wheat(小麦)+ stone(石头)116 flower(花)=water(水)+seed(种子)117 flu(流感)=air(空气)+ bacteria(菌)118 flying dinosaur(飞行恐龙)=dinosaur(恐龙)+ air(空气)119 fondue(干酪)=cheese(奶酪)+ fire(火)120 forest(林木,应为森林)=grove (小树林)+ grove(小树林)121 fossil(化石)=butterfly(蝴蝶)+ earth(土)122 France(法国) = champagne(香槟) + country(国家)123 Frankenstein(法兰肯斯坦)=corpse(尸体)+ electricity(电)124 Fried chicken(炸鸡) = chicken(小鸡) + fire(火)125 frog(青蛙)=lizard(蜥蜴)+ swamp(沼泽)126 fruit(水果)=flower(花)+ tree(树)127 fugu(河豚)= fish(鱼) + poison(毒药)G-14128 gasoline(汽油)=petroleum(石油)+ pressure(压力)129 genie(妖怪)=ghost(幽灵)+ lamp(灯)130 Germany(德国) = VW beetle(甲壳虫汽车) + country(国家)131 geyser(喷泉)=earth(土)+ steam(蒸汽)132 ghost(幽灵)=ash(灰)+ life(生活)133 Ghostbusters(捉鬼) = ghost(鬼) + hunter(猎人)134 glass(玻璃)=fire(火)+ sand(沙)135 Gold(金) = philosophers Stone(魔法石)+ metal(金属)136 golem(魔像)=clay(粘土)+ life(生活)137 grape(葡萄)=earth(土)+ wood(木)138 grass(草)=moss(苔)+ earth(土)139 grave(坟墓)=coffin(灵柩)+ earth(土)140 grove(小树林)=tree(树)+ tree(树)141 gunpowder(火药)=dust(尘土)+ fire(火)H-912 hen coop(鸡舍)=chicken(鸡肉)+ hut(棚屋)143 hero(英雄)=dragon(龙)+ warrior(战士)144 Honey(蜂蜜) = bee(蜜蜂) + sugar(糖)145 hospital(医院)=brick house(砖房)+ sick(呕吐物)370 hot chocolate(热巧克力)=fire(火)+ chocolate(巧克力)146 hourglass(玻璃)=glass(玻璃)+ sand(沙)147 House MD(豪斯医生) = Man(人)+ vicodin(止痛药)148 hunter(猎人)=man(人类)+ arms(武器)149 hut(棚屋)=man(人类)+ stone(石)150 hydrogen(氢)=electricity(电)+ water(水)I-7151 ice(冰) = water(水) + glass(玻璃)152 Iceland(冰岛) = ice(冰) + country(国家) 153 idea(计划,应为主意)=light bulb(白炽灯)+ man(人类)154 India(印度) = kama sutra(爱经)+ country(国家)155 iodine(碘)=algae(藻类)+ fire(火) 71 Island(岛)=volcano(火山) + sea(海)156 Italy(意大利) = pizza(披萨) + country(国家)J-3157 Japan(日本) = sushi(寿司) + country(国家)158 jedi(绝地,绝地武士是星球大战中一类正义的武士) = warrior(战士) + light saber(军刀)159 juice(果汁) = fruit(水果) + pressure(压力)K-5160 Kama Sutra(卡马经,即印度《爱经》)=book(书)+ sex(性)161 Kangaroo(袋鼠) = frog + 1UP OR frog + beast162 kerogen(油母页岩)=fossil(化石)+ pressure(压力)163 knife(小刀)=meat(肉类)+ tool(工具)164 Kilt(苏格兰短裙) = Scotland(苏格兰) + clothing(服装)L-21165 lamp(灯)=fire(火)+glass(玻璃)166 Lance Armstrong(阿姆斯特朗) = cancer(癌症) + bicycle(自行车)

7,英语作文 怎样做比萨

Home "pizza" with, "vecorn. high-strength flour, yeast and tomatoes and onions, and at the end of a meat or vegetables. you will first high-strength flour with some salt and baking powder," vecorn "and rubbing on, a smooth soft dough to concoct. and tomato juice, fresh tomatoes go to the seed with minced onions by the end, a fried, ketchup, add a soupcon of the soup juice, boiled sauce with salt, pepper sauce ( also available in tomato sauce ).Other ingredients according to your preferences, but you can choose any meat and meat, poultry and aquatic products, vegetables and seafood slice or silk. then, the ferment the dough out a cake, a tomato juice and spread all kinds of spices, with cheese, sliced into 200 ℃ oven or a function of microwave oven, bake in a small piece in.
the bottom of the pizza, called the "crust", may vary widely according to style—thin as in a typical hand-tossed pizza or roman pizza, or thick as in a typical pan pizza or chicago-style pizza. it is traditionally plain, but may also be seasoned with garlic, or herbs, or stuffed with cheese.in restaurants, pizza can be baked in an oven with stone bricks above the heat source, an electric deck oven, a conveyor belt oven or, in the case of more expensive restaurants, a wood- or coal-fired brick oven. on deck ovens, the pizza can be slid into the oven on a long paddle, called a peel, and baked directly on the hot bricks or baked on a screen (a round metal grate, typically aluminum). when making pizza at home, it can be baked on a pizza stone in a regular oven to reproduce the effect of a brick oven. another option is grilled pizza, in which the crust is baked directly on a barbecue grill. greek pizza, like chicago-style pizza, is baked in a pan rather than directly on the bricks of the pizza oven.
Amorous feelings - - > pizzaMain ingredient: wheat flourAccessories: butter, milk powder, cooking oil, tomato sauce, garlic and chilli sauce, cheese, peppers, Onions, shrimp, KouMoMethods:Milk, butter, will live well, put in the flour province; 2 hours,2 the Onions, wash, cut into green wash clean place, KouMo sliced,3 and in a pan of oil, and pour into the dough into a thin plate edge by thick round cakes, even in * * * * *The bread with holes, then spread on tomato sauce and garlic and chilli peppers, onion, and KouMo, shrimp, cheese,4, will put condiment of Pisa cake in the oven for 10 minutes, then press (baked crispy) keys for 5 minutes.异域风情-->比萨饼做法 主料:面粉辅料:黄油、奶粉、食用油、番茄沙司、香蒜辣酱、乳酪丝、青椒、洋葱、虾仁、口蘑做法:1、 将奶粉、黄油放进面粉中活好,省2个小时;2、 将洋葱洗净切成圈,青椒洗净切成丁,口蘑洗净切成片;3、 在煎盘上倒少许油,将面团放入盘中按成一个中间薄边缘厚的圆饼,用*子均匀的在饼上扎满小孔,然后铺上番茄沙司和香蒜辣酱,加上洋葱、青椒、口蘑、虾仁、乳酪丝;4、 将放好调料的比萨饼放入微波炉中10分钟,再按(烤脆)键5分钟后即可。


  king arthur - 把鸟转变成龙   pow big mamma - 新的建筑   convert this! - 新的神学单位,可招神甫,通过放闪电攻击的人   stormbilly - 得到一个机器人   旧版:     big bertha 投石车力量变强   big daddy 得到赛车   coinage 1000金   diediedie 敌全灭   flying dutchman 得战舰可上陆地   gaia 魔法师力量变强   home run 过关   medusa 农民被杀后变骑士,再被杀变投石车   no fog 雾效果取消   reveal map 全地图   steroids 加速   pepperoni pizza 1000食物   photonman 可以得到一个手持激光武器的人 quarry 1000石头     秘技三   游戏中按下Enter键后,输入下列密码:   STORMBILLY:机械兽会发射雷射   CONVERT THIS!:会降天谴的僧侣   BIG MOMMA:得到一辆白色车子,有火箭发射系统   POW:婴儿骑著三轮车会发射炮弹   KING ARTHUR:飞鸟变成飞龙   GRANTLINKSPENCE:动物变得很强   DIEDIEDIE:杀死所有对手   RESIGN:放弃   REVEAL MAP:显示所有地图   PEPERONI PIZZA:食物1000   COINAGE:金1000   WOODSTOCK:木头1000   QUARRY:石头1000   PHOTON MAN:太空时代的人,手持雷射枪   GAIA:控制动物   HARI KARI:自杀   FLYING DUTCHMEN:投石船可在路上行走   NO FOG:地图迷雾效果关闭   STEROIDS:快速建筑   BIG DADDY:飞弹发射车   KILLX:杀死编号(#=1-8)的敌人   HOMERUN:胜利   BIG BERTHA:投石车变强   ICBM:弩车的攻击距离增为100   HOYOHOYO:教士变强   DARK RAIN:弓箭手变成树木   BLACK RIDER:骑士变成黑骑士   再生   To bring a villager back in the next life, highlight a member of the general populace and press [Enter]. Then type MEDUSA and march them off to peril. Villagers return as Black Riders; and Black Riders become heavy catapults.   Catapults fire on Peasants   To fire on civilians, highlight a catapult and press [Enter]. Then type: JACK BE NIMBLE. Depending upon its orientation, catapults target different members of the populace.   Direction - Target   East: peasants   North: cattle   South: peasants   West: Superman
在Chat下敲入以下内容:   king arthur - 把鸟转变成龙   pow big mamma - 新的建筑   convert this! - 新的神学单位,可招神甫,通过放闪电攻击的人   stormbilly - 得到一个机器人   旧版:     big bertha 投石车力量变强   big daddy 得到赛车   coinage 1000金   diediedie 敌全灭   flying dutchman 得战舰可上陆地   gaia 魔法师力量变强   home run 过关   medusa 农民被杀后变骑士,再被杀变投石车   no fog 雾效果取消   reveal map 全地图   steroids 加速   pepperoni pizza 1000食物   photonman 可以得到一个手持激光武器的人 quarry 1000石头     秘技三   游戏中按下Enter键后,输入下列密码:   STORMBILLY:机械兽会发射雷射   CONVERT THIS!:会降天谴的僧侣   BIG MOMMA:得到一辆白色车子,有火箭发射系统   POW:婴儿骑著三轮车会发射炮弹   KING ARTHUR:飞鸟变成飞龙   GRANTLINKSPENCE:动物变得很强   DIEDIEDIE:杀死所有对手   RESIGN:放弃   REVEAL MAP:显示所有地图   PEPERONI PIZZA:食物1000   COINAGE:金1000   WOODSTOCK:木头1000   QUARRY:石头1000   PHOTON MAN:太空时代的人,手持雷射枪   GAIA:控制动物   HARI KARI:自杀   FLYING DUTCHMEN:投石船可在路上行走   NO FOG:地图迷雾效果关闭   STEROIDS:快速建筑   BIG DADDY:飞弹发射车   KILLX:杀死编号(#=1-8)的敌人   HOMERUN:胜利   BIG BERTHA:投石车变强   ICBM:弩车的攻击距离增为100   HOYOHOYO:教士变强   DARK RAIN:弓箭手变成树木   BLACK RIDER:骑士变成黑骑士   再生   To bring a villager back in the next life, highlight a member of the general populace and press [Enter]. Then type MEDUSA and march them off to peril. Villagers return as Black Riders; and Black Riders become heavy catapults.   Catapults fire on Peasants   To fire on civilians, highlight a catapult and press [Enter]. Then type: JACK BE NIMBLE. Depending upon its orientation, catapults target different members of the populace.   Direction - Target   East: peasants   North: cattle   South: peasants   West: Superman

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