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时间:2022-08-03 16:14:11来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版


意思:痛苦, 读法:爱过你。


2,agony 的汉语发音及英语意思

汉语发音 爱过你 英语意思 痛苦
啊哥你. extreme mental or physical suffering



没有agony、只有agony。 ( 没有爱过你 只有痛苦。)
Agony中文发音跟爱过你相似 英译大概为极度痛苦 所有大多数人用他当网名最合适不过了 还有Agoni发音也是跟爱过你相似 但它是一个不存在的词





my winter holiday from the sixteenth of january to the seventh of february is our winter holiday. i think everybody did a lot of things in the winter holiday. but i didnt. let you to listen to my story of winter holiday. i spend a lot of time on the homework.. every day in my winter holiday, i always got up late. then i listened to the tape, it was nine oclock. then i ate breakfast and then i did my homework during the daytime! im not very slow but the homework was too heavy! im unlucky on the playing too. i played firecracker but i hurt my finger with the fire. i m careless to kindle the firecracker, so im very unlucky. i still unlucky on my friends party. in the morning, i wanted to get up early but i woke up at 10:50. after ten minutes, the party would start! so i only eat a piece of bread then i go to my friends home! and i stay at his home for a long time when i came home. my mother and father were very angry and they scolded me! im worried and feel unlucky on my weigh. last term, i was 48 kilogram but now i am 51 kilogram! i must to do banting! but most important, i have gone to shanghai ocean aquarium, i want to go there very much because i want to see the horse, the monkey……in the sea. now ive done it . it is a bright dot in my winter holiday.

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