play computer! 楼上所问非所答 play computer game(玩电脑游戏) use computer(使用电脑)play computerplay computer games(可以不加games)play computer gameuse computer
Students should not play games. Network game excessive use of the young people to the network produced a strong psychological dependence. Especially the network game in the adventure, the network of friends in a relaxed, network unhealthy content in fresh temptation to enable young people to gradually " Internet addiction", and on their main life -- learning but lost interest, lack of perseverance, self-control ability, their studies.应该玩游戏网络游戏度使用使青少网络产强烈依赖理特别网络游戏冒险刺激网络交友轻松自网络健康内容新鲜诱惑等使青少逐渐产网络瘾症自主体--习却失兴趣缺乏毅力自控能力降业荒废