You are the cute fairy, which is a landscape in everywhere!(whenever you meet problem,I will help you in my pleasure)6 译“你就是那可爱的精灵,到哪都是一道风景” (等徒弟)5075You are the pretty spirit,whereever you go,you are the lovely wizard.where are a landscape
PCB文件就输出2005版本以下的ASC文件,然后打开AD6.9,同样的方式导入即可。常采用的方法:.通过pads layout工具将pcb文件导出为*.asc(最好导出为powerpcb5.0的*.asc)文件,然后直接在altium designer中打开时选择pads pcbwenjian(*.asc)就可以了.展开全部
首先要打开Altium Designer 6.9然后点击打开文件夹的图标,然后会有提示一步一步导入,基本不需更改,只需点击下一步即可,但前提是你的电脑配置要好点,否则电脑易死机,且反映特慢。展开全部
Convert the source file
1. Run the Altium Designer Software
2. From the main menu select File > Import Wizard. On the next form to open, click Next to open the Import Wizard dialog box.
3. In the Import Wizard dialog box, "Select Type of Files to Import" select "PADS ASCII Design And Library Files" then click Next to open the PADS Import Wizard dialog box.
4. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Importing PADS Design" click Next.
5. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Importing PADS Libraries" click Add.
6. In the Load PADS Library Files dialog box select the LP Wizard output files (for p/d - [land_pattern_name.p] and [land_pattern_name.p] or for ascii - [land_pattern_name.asc]) and click Open.
7. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Importing PADS Libraries" and the files you selected click Next.
8. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Reporting Options" select any "General Settings" and click Next.
9. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Default Options" select any "General Options" and click Next.
10. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Default PCB Specific Options" click Next.
11. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Current PCB and PCB Library Options" click Edit Mapping.
12. In the PADS PCB ASCII File Import Options map the layers between PADS and Altium (see the following section on layer mapping) then click OK to return to the PADS Import Wizard and click Next.
13. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "Output PCB Projects" set your Project Output Directory to an easy to find folder and click Next.
14. When the PADS Import Wizard displays "PADS Import Wizard is complete" click Finish.展开全部
Altium Designer 6.9 有个导入pads pcb文件的功能吧,你找找看,