这个故事使他想起来他的学生时代。Recall of 本意是召回的意思,用在这里其实不太合适,最佳的表达应该是Recall him about his school years.但在这个题目中,B是唯一的可选答案。RECALL (OF SB) + STH是让某人回忆起什么事情..."him to"the story recalled him to his school years
2,求助一篇英语短文 When I was twelve years oldmy family were the first
How my teacher Dorothy Bean help me , a black kid, to overcome racial discrimination when I was 12 years old.The articl is about the writer,as the black,was discriminated by his/her neighbours and his/her teachers.But one teacher treated her/him as the commom people ,even gave help to him/her at school.and made the writer realise herself/himself.当我十二岁的时候,我们家是第一个搬入白人住宅区的黑人家庭。很多新邻居非常不欢迎我们。学校里的老师都忽略我的存在,除了教历史的miss bean。她把我当做其他学生一样对待,对于其他老师对我的忽视她很气愤但没有讲出来。