打破传统的枯燥学习法,模拟真实工作、生活场景、视频动画、中外教一对一等N种口语陪练方式,让您真正感受一种异国他乡的语言气氛,闭上眼睛就像走在异国他乡的大街上,惬意的说"I Love You"!
用360安全卫士里的系统修复工具来修复一下试试,修复完重启一下电脑,再不行的话可能就是程序自身的问题了play with oneself at home 自慰thank you
she often play games with us 或者是 She often took us to play the game和我们玩游戏play games with us和我们玩游戏play games with us
4,play with us episode1对话部分应该选那几个才能达成good end 搜
play with us episode_有道翻译翻译结果:和我们玩事件good end_有道词典good end好结局更多释义>>[网络短语]good end 由他和银时君幸福去了,银时和桂生活在一起,好结局good as end 目的善pedestria good overprear end 步行天桥
He wants to join in us and play.这样翻译不对of course 翻译成当然(介意)因为上据闻的就是 mind (介意)He wants to join in and play.He also wanna join in and play with us.He want to take a part in.He also want to play with us.
6,英语 1我妹妹每天晚上总是玩半小时电脑游戏My sister always
1.play computer games half an hour2.hold a tourism3.how do you like4.have a good time5.play with us到有道词典查吧plays computer games half an hour make a tour How do you like have a good time to play with us together.1. My sister always plays computer game for half an hour every evening2. We will have a trip next Sunday.3. How do you like your school