很喜欢艾什莉·贾德这个美丽的大姐姐,给人很温暖的感觉。这个片子演员们表现不错,情节也挺曲折,只是看的时候多少能够猜到答案。double jeopardy is a procedural defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same, or similar charges following a legitimate acquittal or conviction. at common law a defendant may plead autrefois acquit or autrefois convict (a peremptory plea), meaning the defendant has been acquitted or convicted of the same offense. if this issue is raised, evidence will be placed before the court, which will normally rule as a preliminary matter whether the plea is substantiated, and if it so finds, the projected trial will be prevented from proceeding. in many countries the guarantee against being "twice put in jeopardy" is a constitutional right; these include canada, india, mexico, and the united states. in other countries, the protection is afforded by statute law.it very good , i like it very much, thank u for reading.