Insanity是指糟糕的,或者是精神失常的Insanity Asylum就是指精神病院吧,我也不是太确定insanity = a psychological conditioninsanity asylum = a place to house and treat patient with insanity condition (e.g. a hospital)another example: learning = a process to gain new knowledgeschool = a place for students to learn
asylum-seekers 寻求庇护者;庇护者;庇护寻求者例句筛选1.Many of the asylum seekers also said they were forced to leave because ofcrop losses due to drought .许多寻求庇护的人称他们因为干旱造成农作物减产不得不离开。2.Australia announced that it was suspending its processing of asylum-seekersfrom Afghanistan and Sri Lanka for a few months.澳大利亚宣布将悬浮已进行数月的阿富汗和斯里兰卡的政治避难需求者。