王者之心中的经典台词:女主角读起来非常有感觉,尤其是英文版的~~My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears, 你我的眼睛互相闪现,对方的容颜, And true plain hearts do in he faces rest; 哦,真诚坦白的心也在里面; Where can we find two better hemispheres 哦,哪儿能找到更好的两个半球, Without sharp North, without declining West? 既无尖锐的北极,也无坠落的西山? Whatever dies was not mixed equally; 那些死亡的,都因为胡乱搭配、胡乱搅拌; If our two loves be one, or thou and I 如果我们的爱能合一,如此相似,不能分辨, Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die. 亲爱的,那你我将长寿万年。 ISOLDE经常吟诵的,也就是这最后一段.