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时间:2023-01-10 21:22:22来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版



Play some entertainment equipments 哦~~~~~ 顶2楼!!!
Playing some entertainment equipments.动词作主语,应该用动名词才对^-^.



红白机FC=Family Computer索尼PS=Play Station索尼游戏站GBGameboyGBAGameboy Advanced街机Arcade还有PSP,NDS,XBOX,都可以直接引用名字统称是game machine
game machinegame stationgame console
game boycomputer game 也有游戏机的意思。
game boy 游戏机
game machine


3,玩太多电脑游戏 用英语怎么说

play computer games lots of time/often,一个表示时间多,一个表示频率比较频繁,自己选吧
Play too many computer games或者play too much computer前者要准确一些
Spent too much time in online game.
You are addicted in playing computer games. 你太沉溺于电脑游戏。或者直译为playing too many computer games.
the advantages and disadvantages of computer games

玩太多电脑游戏 用英语怎么说


My friends and I hung out in the amusement park, we had fun playing a lot of games and items there. Later we had lunch in the restaurant there, everything was delicious. in the afternoon, we took a lot of beautiful pictures and bought some gifts.
翻译:我和我的朋友们在公园里玩了很多游乐项目。然后我们在餐厅吃饭,那些食物很美味。在下午我们拍了很多漂亮的照片,并买了一些礼品。为你免费翻译如下:Both my friends and I have played with many kinds of entertainment /recreational /amusement projects and had our dinners at the restaurant. Those food is really so delicious in their flavours. we took a lot of beautiful photos in the afternoon and bought some gifts / presents /souvenirs
l play a lot of games with my friends in the part, we have lunch in the restaurant, those foods are delicious. then we took a number of beautiful pictures in the afternoon and bought some souvenirs.


游戏机翻译成英文为game machine 。  游戏机是一种主要用于娱乐,使用只向获得许可的软件开发者开放的源代码,以电视机或其他专用显示器以及专用输入设备的电脑系统。其与PC机最大的区别在于源代码和软件的封闭性。广义来讲 人类用来进行游戏的机械电子装置都可称作游戏机 随着电子技术 信息产业的长发展 以及电影,漫画产业的带动电子游戏机便成为了游戏机的实际代表,由于其更专业化的游戏性表现,因此即便电脑水平如此发达的今天,PC游戏仍然无法替代游戏机的强势地位。
游戏机:game machine 电子游戏机: electronic gameExamples:一种手握控制装置,同微机和电子游戏机联用,以控制光标或显示的图形在屏幕上的运动。 A hand held controller used with microcomputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen.电视游戏机: 1. video game2. TV game 游乐中心以一排排投币式游戏机为特征的商业机构: A commercial establishment featuring rows of coin-operated games. (喻)孩子们对计算机游戏上了瘾。: The children are addicted to computer games.
Game machine。
你想知道的是哪一种游戏机?游戏机有两种电视游戏机(ps1,ps2,ps3,ps4,xbox等),掌手游戏机(psp,psv,nds,3ds等)。电视游戏机英文是console game,掌手游戏机是handheld game。

文章TAG:我们玩了许多游戏机英文怎么说  玩一些娱乐器材怎么用英文说急快  我们  许多  游戏  


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