pocket of air气囊; 例句:1.Hovercrafts, which ride on a pocket of air, are already a reality. 依靠着一袋空气,气垫船已经实现了。2.Shanghai shengbaolong packing co., ltd. the main products: paper innboard, paper protect horn, slippery to ask board, container buffer air pocket,oversize sea-freight carton and special aviation carton, etc. of high strengthof volume. 上海胜保隆包装材料有限公司的主要产品为:纸栈板、纸护角、滑托板、集装箱缓冲气袋、超大体积的海运纸箱和特高强度的航空纸箱等。没见过,你试着一个个试f1到f9开机的时候。
从桌子上落到地上;From the table fell down on the ground.把米倒入口袋;The rice into the pocket.1.From the table fell down on the ground2.Put rice into his pocket 好像对 。。fell down to the floor from the tablepour the rice into the pocket明天再来fall down to the floor on the table.pour the rice into the pocket.你好!1, fell from the table to the floor. 2, put rice into the pocket.希望对您有所帮助!!谢谢!!我的回答你还满意吗~~