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american reunion,美国派原作有哪几部

时间:2022-12-09 04:49:50来源:整理作者:佚名投稿 手机版



正统的有4部:美国派 American Pie (1999)美国派2American Pie 2 (2001)美国派3:美国婚礼 American Wedding (2003)美国派4:美国重逢 American Reunion (2012)


2,My First Kiss feat Keha 歌词

楼主,您好 my first kiss-3oh!3 ke$ha: http://music.soso.com/url_player.html?song=my%20first%20kiss&singer=3oh%213%20ke%24ha&url=http%3a// 谢谢采纳!

My First Kiss feat Keha 歌词

3,Declaration of Independencethe US Constitution and Gettysburg

Declaration of Independence: Declare the base of the country. Construct the base of country. Claim the most important principles of the country.Constitution: the formation of the country. Details of every aspect of the country especially establishing laws. Set up the checks and balances-----executive(president), legislation(Congress) and justice(Supreme Court).Gettysburg: 这个实在是。。。跟前面两个没什么关系。。。The victoria speech after the turning point of the civil war. Lincoln asserted the function of the war again which was for the sake of the reunion. 没啥实际意义。。。好不容易终于赢了场要振奋下士气。。。遣词造句的比较好。。。打仗的理由变得... 这个实在是。好不容易终于赢了场要振奋下士气。。. Details of every aspect of the country especially establishing laws: the formation of the countryDeclaration of Independence。。打仗的理由变得充分(个人认为打仗即是一种错误. 没啥实际意义。. Construct the base of country!。遣词造句的比较好。,无理由可编)lz给分吧~~打得好累~~~lz建议你去查wikipedia. Lincoln asserted the function of the war again which was for the sake of the reunion, legislation(Congress) and justice(Supreme Court). Claim the most important principles of the country。。The victoria speech after the turning point of the civil war。!。.Gettysburg.Constitution. Set up the checks and balances-----executive(president),只要看词条的第一段就可以了~~~那个更全。。跟前面两个没什么关系。: Declare the base of the country

Declaration of Independencethe US Constitution and Gettysburg

文章TAG:American  reunion  美国派原作有哪几部  美国  


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