英文的道歉信跟信的格式差不多,基本上就是: mr. /mrs./ms. xxx(如果是跟你有比较亲近的关系可以用dear,不过那么亲近的人也不用写道歉信了吧= =) i am sorry for.......because ..... (说上2、3句就行,然后可以扯上相关的其它内容) xxx(最后签上自己的名字) 反正重要的就是,老外重视的是结果,所以不要写的中国式委婉,一定要把道歉写在开头,为了什么道歉,给谁道歉,然后再找借口。道歉信格式:有三点1.称谓2.正文:诚恳说明造成对方不快的原因;表示歉意,请予以理解、见谅3.署名、日期
亲爱的小河: 你好! 从我三岁的时候,怎俩就在一起度过许多美好的时光。咱们在一起玩打水仗:拍你一下,你还我一下,最后弄的我一时半会睁不开眼睛;我还穿着游泳衣,在你身上来回穿行,那时,觉得十分有趣;但我那时还太小,不懂事,所以我把果皮、瓜子皮等杂物扔给了你。当时,我还不知,那小小的垃圾和杂物,会帮你毁容,毁的那样难看,那样“乱”。 自从我学了《一个苹果》和《水就是生命》这两篇文章后,我才知道你有多重要,多珍贵。我经过了一段时间的反思后,我才知道我错了,真是对不起了。 我可以和你一起分享无限的快乐,可我不能把你当成一个垃圾箱,往你身上丢弃垃圾。所以,我现在给你写一封道歉信:我曾今破坏过、伤害过你,实在是太对不起了,我的好朋友小河! 我今后绝不往你身上丢弃垃圾,我要让你回到原来那无污染、无破坏的你。我要让你变回原来那样纯净、美丽! 原谅我吧,亲爱的小河! 韩笑 2010年1月5日什么类型的?下面是沙朗的. sharon stone apologizes for remark on china quake may 29, 2008 beijing: french fashion house christian dior said thursday it has dropped sharon stone from its chinese ads and released a statement from the actress apologizing for saying chinas earthquake may have been bad karma for its treatment of tibet. the 50-year-old actress said she was "deeply sorry" for causing anguish and anger among chinese people with her remarks in an interview last week. stone models for christian dior sa, and the companys shanghai office issued the statement. stones comments caused considerable anger in the chinese media. the official xinhua news agency said in a commentary thursday she was the "public enemy of all mankind." the public relations manager for dior in shanghai who gave only her surname, guo, said stone would no longer appear in the companys advertisements in china. "due to my inappropriate words and acts during the interview, i feel deeply sorry and sad about hurting chinese people," stone said in the statement. "i am willing to take part in the relief work of chinas earthquake, and wholly devote myself to helping affected chinese people." chinese media have erupted in indignation over foreign criticism of the country ahead of the beijing olympics in august. during the international leg of the olympic torch relay, many chinese reacted strongly to protests over chinas rule of tibet. foreign ministry spokesman qin gang said thursday he had taken note of stones apology. "we hope that as an actress she should contribute to our two peoples mutual trust, understanding and friendship," he said. stones original comments were made last week during a cannes film festival red-carpet interview. "im not happy about the way the chinese are treating the tibetans because i dont think anyone should be unkind to anyone else," stone said. "and then this earthquake and all this stuff happened, and then i thought, is that karma? when youre not nice that the bad things happen to you?" 28日)晚,莎朗·斯通经纪人通过媒体向中国人民道歉,以下为道歉信全文: 莎朗·斯通道歉信全文 我在受访中的不当言行,对于中国人民所造成的伤害,我非常难过和抱歉。在过去的20年中,我代表国际慈善组织,积极参与各项慈善活动,并真切地想帮助中国人民,奉献一己之力。去年,我的中国之行非常愉快,让我深刻感受到中国人民的智慧、友善与热情。 需要说明的是,我对于此次自然灾害中所有遭受不幸的受害者,表示最深切的哀悼与同情。我的错误言行,让中国人民感到悲伤与愤怒,我为此深感歉意。我再次强调,我愿意积极参与任何关于中国地震灾害的援助活动,并尽全力帮助受灾的中国人民。 莎朗·斯通经纪人:karen sellars branded entertainment icm 2008年5月28日