以下的情景在哪里?是海市蜃楼吗,你看得见,别人看不见?干脆我告诉你几个情境及答案:1. 我们看见路上的汽车在动,参照物是树木、站立的人等;2. 我们在公共汽车看看到站立的人在后退,参照物是公共汽车和车上的人;3. 太阳从东方升起,西方落下,参照物是地球上的事物。may 21st,saturday the weather is clear. today all of the students in my class have just had a social activity. we have learnt a lot from this experience. we wrote down what we observed from the plants, went camping and examined whether the water was polluted or not. i think the water pollution today has gone very seriously, we should do our best to improve the pulluted environment.