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《共和国战歌》(The Battle Hymn of the Republic)是首美国的爱国歌曲,由茱丽雅·沃尔德·何奥(Julia Ward Howe)作词,为南北战争期间十分流行的歌曲,原版词曲是由南卡罗莱纳州 (South Carolina)人威廉·史蒂夫创作。该曲亦可称为《迦南之乐土》(Canaan's Happy Shore)或《兄弟们,你们会遇见我吗?》(Brothers, Will You Meet Me?)并被当成营火灵魂乐传唱。这首好听易懂的旋律传遍全国各地,并作为许多新歌词的配乐(但多数的歌词十分粗俗)。mine eyes have seen the gloryof the coming of the lord;he is trampling out the vintagewhere the grapes of wrath are stored;he hath loosed the fateful lightningof his terrible swift sword;his truth is marching on.chorusglory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!his truth is marching on.i have seen him in the watchfiresof a hundred circling campsthey have builded him an altarin the evening dews and damps;i can read his righteous sentenceby the dim and flaring lamps;his day is marching on.chorusglory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!his truth is marching on.i have read a fiery gospel writin burnished rows of steel:"as ye deal with my contemners,so with you my grace shall deal":let the hero born of womancrush the serpent with his heel,since god is marching on.chorusglory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!his truth is marching on.he has sounded forth the trumpetthat shall never call retreat;he is sifting out the hearts of menbefore his judgement seat;oh, be swift, my soul, to answer him;be jubilant, my feet;our god is marching on.chorusglory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!his truth is marching on.in the beauty of the lilieschrist was born across the sea,with a glory in his bosomthat transfigures you and me;as he died to make men holy,let us die to make men free;while god is marching on. chorusglory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!glory! glory! hallelujah!his truth is marching on.