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Hooked! A Tower Crane Game

Hooked! A Tower Crane Game1.32

  • 分类:策略游戏
  • 大小:108.11MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.32
  • 时间:2022-01-29 11:02:42
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.simcoachgames.com/about
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Etcetera Edutainment, Inc.

应用软件Tags: towerGamehook

You are a Tower Crane Operator, a key employee on the construction site. Use speed and precision to maneuver expensive equipment around obstacles.

Hooked! A Tower Crane Game puts you in the seat of a crane operator, tasked with moving expensive equipment around live construction sites. Start out as an apprentice and practice basic controls, like how to hoist, trolley, and swing. Progress through your apprenticeship and eventually graduate to higher ranks as you demonstrate your skills. Show that you’re a Master by quickly completing tasks around other moving equipment. Earn more money as you increase in rank, just like a real Operating Engineer.

Key features of Hooked! A Tower Crane Game include:
-Realistic controls that emulate real tower crane operation.
-Game physics that simulate the effects of swing, drag, and force of impact.
-Climb through the ranks of Apprentice, Journeyperson, and Master as you go.
-30 levels that increase in difficulty.
-Change between two different camera angles to match your preferred playstyle.
-Earn a wage as you play that increases as you rank up (like a real Operating Engineer).
-Be careful or risk causing damage to buildings and other heavy equipment.

Hooked! A Tower Crane Game is a Simcoach Skill Arcade app. Explore careers, practice basic job skills and earn badges to gain exposure to careers and training opportunities in your area. To learn more about the Skill Arcade check out www.simcoachskillarcade.com

This game was developed in partnership with the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 66. The group facilitates the Western Pennsylvania Operating Engineers Joint Apprenticeship and Training Program, a 4 year apprenticeship program designed to train Heavy Equipment Operators and Heavy Equipment Mechanic Technicians. To learn more about this program and other opportunities, visit: www.wpaoperators.org

Privacy Policy: http://www.simcoachgames.com/privacy
Hooked! A Tower Crane Game V1.32更新日志:
-Optimization for iPhone Xs Max, iPhone Xr

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