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哈德良长城。在罗马帝国的最戒备森严的边界 - 哈德良长城 - 3D虚拟旅游及旅行指南银行东塔的 当前离线(精简版版)

哈德良长城。在罗马帝国的最戒备森严的边界 - 哈德良长城 - 3D虚拟旅游及旅行指南银行东塔的 当前离线(精简版版)1.0


应用软件Tags: 罗马帝国精简版银行

*** REACHED ***
* TOP #20 TRAVEL APPS in the United Kingdom (all Virtual 3D Tours about Hadrians Wall)
* TOP #50 ENTERTAINMENT APPS in the United Kingdom
* TOP #100 ENTERTAINMENT APPS in 72 countries including: the United States, Australia, Canada, Germany, France and Italy (all Virtual 3D Tours about Hadrians Wall)

Read what the critics are saying about

* ...perfect mix between entertainment and education in the same time... BestNewEduApps *
* ... have fun and learn about the Roman Army greatest fortification system... Best iOS Apps Magazine*

Virtual Heritage presents Lite Version of the "Hadrians Wall. Brunton Turret", second Virtual 3D Tour over the most interesting places along the Hadrians Wall. Brunton Turret (also known as Turret 26B) is one of the best preserved turrets on the line of Hadrians Wall. It is located east from Roman Cilurnum fort in Chesters, and west from the Onnum fort in Haltonchesters. It was built by soldiers from the ninth cohort of the Twentieth Victorious Valerian Legion (legio XX Valeria Victrix) in 123 AD.

"Brunton Turret" app is powered by Unreal Engine technology and is an awesome new way to experience Hadrians Wall, one of the wonders of the ancient world. By using Epic Games award-winning, most advanced game engine, viewers can freely visit this 3D reconstructed monument in their own pace in engaging and educating way.

Hadrians Wall is the most important monument built by Roman army in Britain and was the most heavily fortified border in the Roman Empire. Roman emperor Hadrian came to Britain in 122 AD and ordered the construction of the most ambitious fortifications ever built by Romans - a 120 kilometers long defensive wall across the entire country with front ditch, Military Way and imposing earthwork called the Vallum. For almost 300 years, Hadrians Wall was the Roman Empire most imposing frontier.

"Hadrians Wall. Brunton Turret" app is a real-time virtual tour over 3D reconstruction of the turret and adjoining stretches of the Wall as it may looked like in 165 AD. If you want to feel like one of the roman soldiers from ala Augusta ob virtutem appellata quingenaria ( auxiliary cavalry unit ) patrolling the Wall, this app is for You.


* Powered by Unreal Engine
* Detailed 3D reconstruction of Brunton Turret based on latest archaeological excavations
* Fully narrated guided Virtual 3D Tour of one of the turrets built by legio XX Valeria Victrix

* Great for kids as supplementary history lesson (no Ads, no In-App Purchases) Just let Your child explore our 3D reconstruction as any other FPS game level

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哈德良长城。在罗马帝国的最戒备森严的边界 - 哈德良长城 - 3D虚拟旅游及旅行指南银行东塔的 当前离线(精简版版)

哈德良长城。在罗马帝国的最戒备森严的边界 - 哈德良长城 - 3D虚拟旅游及旅行指南银行东塔的 当前离线(精简版版) Android下载

哈德良长城。在罗马帝国的最戒备森严的边界 - 哈德良长城 - 3D虚拟旅游及旅行指南银行东塔的 当前离线(精简版版) mac下载


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