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Elderbrain Soundscapes

Elderbrain Soundscapes1.0.9

  • 分类:儿童游戏
  • 大小:249.67MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0.9
  • 时间:2022-02-08 18:26:03
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Modern Konzultacios Ltd.


Boost your table-top role-playing experience with wonderful background ambiences to make your gaming sessions more immersive. These ambiences make your players feel right where you want them to be.

Each soundscape is composed of several dozen beautiful, location-specific sounds, which blend to create a unique, constantly changing atmospheric background. These sound play at random times, volume, length, distance, reverb, and velocity to create an infinitely unique ambience with no repetitions. Timed events control the flow of each soundscape to bring changes in weather, day/night time and such conditions to life and to make these ambiences even more colourful. All of our soundscapes are 5.1 surround sounds.

We create soundscapes specifically for our adventure modules available at https://elderbrain.com but they can be used in any setting. New updates with more free soundscapes will be continuously released for our past and future adventure modules.

Please support us by becoming one our highly esteemed patrons who help us to expand the selection of soundscapes and the creation of new features for the app. https://patreon.com/elderbraincom
Elderbrain Soundscapes V1.0.9更新日志:
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