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High School Dog Simulator

High School Dog Simulator1.0

  • 分类:模拟游戏
  • 大小:113.71MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0
  • 时间:2022-02-08 01:16:04
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://shibamaru.jp/#contact
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Shibamaru, LLC

应用软件Tags: SIMAT

Play as a Shiba Inu and attend high school like a regular student!

◆ Fully voiced in English & Japanese
◆ 16 fun unique endings
◆ 5~15 minute routes
◆ No mid-story ads or paid content blocks
◆ Live2D Characters
◆ No additional data downloads

Shiba is a convict dog currently a life sentence for a previously undisclosed crime. As part of a new program, he's offered the chance to commute his sentence if he can prove to be a regular member of society again. To do so, he must attend high school and stay out of trouble at all costs.

This game features a branching storyline ultimately leading to 16 unique endings between 4 different character routes. When you a finish an ending, you can use the skip feature to quickly get back to a spot you were interested, or you can choose to take the story in an entirely different direction!

All 5 characters are fully voiced in both English & Japanese and feature an all-star voice over cast. You can change between both voice languages any time without any additional downloads!

Additionally, there are 18 unique achievements for you to discover as you progress through different storylines.

Visit the game's home page at https://www.shibamaru.jp/#shiba for a full breakdown on what to expect from the characters that you will encounter!

This is our first release, so be sure to tweet us @shibamaruJP https://twitter.com/shibamaruJP and let us you know what you want to see in future content updates! (Or just send us a meme)

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