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Case Closed

Case Closed1.09

  • 分类:冒险游戏
  • 大小:57.25MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.09
  • 时间:2022-02-17 22:55:54
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.jake.solutions/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Cornelis Aerts


Case Closed is an addictive puzzle game from 2020, designed to play in waiting rooms and other places, without any time stress or out of lives messages or having to spend money on power-ups.

The game is completely free with no advertisements, no banners, nothing.

Our hero Casey, having completed Spy School (see Case Open) is now a spy on a mission. His objective is to solve puzzles and close each dossier to help the world stay safe. He will encounter many difficulties and sometime these seem impossible to solve.

Whereas in Spy School the problems were static (no moving objects), in real life there are all sorts of things to interact with, and the mission space is often larger than the classroom settings from before.

Goal: Solve 20 dossiers with each a number of missions

In each mission guide Casey to the exit by collecting all required points.

The game starts with easy levels and builds up to much more difficult levels.

Every time a new item is introduced youll get some tutorial missions.

If you register you get 5 skip options which allows you to skip 5 missions of your choice, when you solve a previously skipped mission, you regain the skip.

There are several walkthrough videos available on our website, accessable directly from the app by using the pause screen (click on the exit button in the right top when playing a mission).

Every mission has been fully tested and can be solved, we guarantee it.

We hope you enjoy the game,
Jake Solutions
Case Closed V1.09更新日志:
Fixed 1 mission that could not be solved

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