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Card Destroyer

Card Destroyer2.2

  • 分类:棋牌游戏
  • 大小:55.6MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.2
  • 时间:2022-02-06 17:06:05
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:gameCenter iosUniversal
  • 厂商:David Beilis

应用软件Tags: AR

War is a card game that is mostly about luck. In this app you will click a button that says deal. This button will flip 2 cards, the players card or the computers card. who ever has the bigger card gets the point. The reason this game is about luck is because you don’t know witch card you will flip. Before i said there is a player and a computer. You can say if the player is you and the computer is your friend,(You can’t actually change the labels in this version). You can make it like rock paper scissors, Who ever makes it to say 3 first wins. People would say why would you need this. Well in this app you can’t cheat. No matter what you can’t hide if you win or lose. You can use this app for challenges, make winning a bit more interesting. Make a prize any prize Money, a game anything. Or if you like button clicking games this is a game for you.
Card Destroyer V2.2更新日志:
In this new version of Card Destroyer. I have put an alert so whoever gets 52 cards first the app will say who the winner is. After it says who the winner is it will put out a button asking if you want to play again. Also I have fixed the bugs.

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