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What's The Nuts? - Poker Training Game

What's The Nuts? - Poker Training Game1.0.2

  • 分类:棋牌游戏
  • 大小:32.38MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0.2
  • 时间:2022-02-14 19:40:23
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.advancedpokertraining.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:TestYourPoker.com LLC

应用软件Tags: POKERGameING

AdvancedPokerTraining.com, the world’s #1 poker training site, has developed the new “What’s the Nuts?” training game to help players improve their accuracy and speed in assessing the nuts.

This fast paced and exciting game gives you a set of board cards, and asks you to select the 2 hole cards that would give you “the nuts” in Texas Hold’em (an unbeatable hand).


- Deal only the Flop, Turn, or River, or a random number of board cards
- “Progressive” mode lets you start with the flop and then deal the turn and river cards in sequence
- Standard or Mobile-Friendly display modes
- “Eliminate Quads” mode where quads are excluded as the correct answer
- Timed training mode.

If you think you’re infallible, try it and see if you can get through 100 hands in less than 10 minutes without missing any!


If you like “What’s the Nuts”, visit AdvancedPokerTraining.com, which poker legend Mike Caro has called “The quickest path from beginner to world-class player”.

Features of Advanced Poker Training:
- Play up to 500 hands an hour: Featuring No-Limit Hold’em (9 or 6 players), Sit N’ Gos, even Multi-Table Tournaments against up to 8000 life-like opponents.
- Targeted Training and Advice: Practice any starting hand, from any position, over and over. Watch a replay of any hand you’ve ever played, and get advice from 28 advisors.
- "Beat the Pro" Challenges: Challenge top poker pros in a wide variety of skill areas, and see how you stack up.
- Train Anytime, Anywhere: With no downloads, play from any PC, Mac, or Tablet.
- Reports and Weekly Training Plans: Optimize your skills, track your progress, even see how lucky or unlucky you've been.
- Refine your Strategy: The unique Brain Button lets you see your virtual advisor’s thought process, to improve your own

“Advanced Poker Training is the Gold Standard by which all training sites will be measured!” -- Bob Wages, Raceland, KY
What's The Nuts? - Poker Training Game V1.0.2更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

Minor fixes.

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