

当前位置:首页 - 苹果游戏 - 休闲游戏 - 保卫战 英雄 幻想 征途 邪恶小游戏 死神觉醒 益智游戏1.1
保卫战 英雄 幻想 征途 邪恶小游戏 死神觉醒 益智游戏

保卫战 英雄 幻想 征途 邪恶小游戏 死神觉醒 益智游戏1.1

  • 分类:休闲游戏
  • 大小:79.41MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.1
  • 时间:2022-03-08 03:11:18
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Visvas Lerswanichkul

应用软件Tags: 益智游戏死神觉醒小游戏

Play the game a funny new puzzle game! Take the Super Hero battle to collect and destroy the power coins with its unique line-drawing puzzle gameplay! Match together festive power coin in order to Splash before timeout!
- PLAY through 90 Levels of the power coin tactic fun as you match type of Super Hero Coin!
- BOOST your score with potent power-ups like the Bomb and the Cross Blaster. Earn three stars on every level!
- CHALLENGE! Climb your way up the Leaderboards to be the best puzzle player!
- EXPLORE Super Hero level, mouth-watering mountains, delectable deserts, and more!
- EARN keys from completing challenges to win Stars, Marvel Bomb, and more!
- STELLAR performance with top-notch graphics, amusing animations, captivating music and expertly crafted sound effects!
- FREE levels, obstacles and game modes added regularly! No pause to the puzzles!
- CUSTOMIZED for all IOS device!

Start to be Super Hero now!!!
保卫战 英雄 幻想 征途 邪恶小游戏 死神觉醒 益智游戏 V1.1更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

- Fix Bugs
- Fix Errors
- Improve Performance

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保卫战 英雄 幻想 征途 邪恶小游戏 死神觉醒 益智游戏

保卫战 英雄 幻想 征途 邪恶小游戏 死神觉醒 益智游戏 Android下载

保卫战 英雄 幻想 征途 邪恶小游戏 死神觉醒 益智游戏 mac下载


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