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类别:教育 更新:2022-02-01 19:10:02
When intended for transport, several batteries technologies are regulated as Dangerous Goods by the United Nations Transport Organisation and other national transport authorities. This regulation is being permanently adapted to take into consideratio
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类别:教育 更新:2022-02-01 08:02:03
Download this app to be kept up to date with everything happening at BPPS! Receive alerts, school newsletters, notes, events and reminders on your iPhone and iPad. APP FEATURES - Read school news, notes etc - Receive customised push alerts- Access th
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类别:资讯 更新:2022-02-03 09:42:01
BenCast is a podcast player which brings you the fastest growing conservative podcasts from the most irreverent and insightful hosts. Ben brutally breaks down the culture and never gives an inch!* Features:- Discover and subscribe conservative shows.
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类别:资讯 更新:2022-01-31 22:42:03
Application for search business information for companies in Montenegro.Companies is searchable by: Name, TAX, Location, Organisation and Type of work.Data of companies are live and user can watch and get notification for changes for desired companie
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类别:资讯 更新:2022-01-27 07:50:07
Brought to you by the African Peoples Education and Defense Fund, the new BP 96 app will allow its listeners to connect with the Black Power community. There are many features to keep you aware of everything you need to know. Send a shout out, subm
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类别:图形和设计 更新:2022-03-10 22:37:27
Apowersoft 截图王是一款专为Mac用户研发的一款截图工具,操作简便且功能强大。屏幕上的任何区域乃至全屏均可轻易截取下来。截取对象可包括Mac屏幕、网页、视频帧、活动窗口和下拉菜单等。多达五种图像输出格式如PNG,JPG,TIFF,GIF和BMP让截屏操作更为便利与智能。除Mac截
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类别:医疗 更新:2022-02-15 12:22:26
Max Bergsträsser, Inhaber der Apotheke am Kurgarten, Max Bergsträsser e.K. in Zell am Harmersbach, mit den Filialapotheken in Biberach, Steinach und Zunsweier bietet mit der App "Apo-vor-Ort" einen innovativer Service für Kunden. Funktionen im E
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类别:医疗 更新:2022-02-15 11:32:26
Die nächste dienstbereite Apotheke, wichtige Infos über Ihre Medikamente, News zu aktuellen Gesundheitsthemen und vieles mehr finden Sie in der offiziellen App der Österreichischen Apothekerkammer. Legen Sie persönliche Medikamentenlisten, elektr
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类别:医疗 更新:2022-02-07 23:37:57
CAREpoint-RC is the latest enhancement for the General Devices CAREpoint™ Workstation to streamline workflow and integrate all ED/EMS activities. With comprehensive communications, documentation and information management capabilities, CAREpoint is
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类别:医疗 更新:2022-02-06 21:21:58
Notre application regroupe les services de l’hôpital, l’ensemble des contacts utiles et informations pratiques. Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous en ligne et utiliser notre outil de guidage piéton qui vous emmènera directement à votre destination
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