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ChartIQ Analytical Simulator

ChartIQ Analytical Simulator3.0.0

  • 分类:软件开发工具
  • 大小:22.88MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:3.0.0
  • 时间:2022-01-12 14:13:27
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://cosaic.io/chartiq/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:ChartIQ


ChartIQ - The Worlds Most Powerful HTML5 Charts.
Install our mobile chart simulator to test drive our native mobile app experience!

The ChartIQ Difference
ChartIQ is the first and only professional grade HTML5 Charting Library solution that works seamlessly on any platform (mobile, web, desktop) or framework (Angular, React, Vue) using a single library. It is pure JavaScript and runs entirely within a browser or web view with native controls. Most companies have at least one financial charting library for each platform or application they target—web, C#, Java, mobile OSs, etc. which means developers have multiple code bases to maintain. With ChartIQ, write your code once and use it everywhere.

A Robust Software Development Kit (SDK)
ChartIQ is essentially an infrastructure toolkit, carefully thought through and built to give you unparalleled flexibility while maintaining ease of integration. Our clients love how quickly they get up and running with our charting library: a complete SDK with comprehensive APIs, production-grade “drop-in” UI templates, sample implementations, optional add-on modules, and extensive documentation. This allows software developers to integrate charts into their applications within minutes.
ChartIQ Analytical Simulator V3.0.0更新日志:
* The chart web view and corresponding menus are now one component to free up the native menu tab for the mobile device. This allows developers more freedom to plug and play the ChartIQ application where needed. The menu tab option is still available in the source code.
* Bug fixes and tweaks.

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