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ABA Autism Therapy

ABA Autism Therapy2.5

  • 分类:医疗
  • 大小:7.52MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.5
  • 时间:2022-02-01 12:38:02
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Wizard Solutions Inc

应用软件Tags: TI

The app provides editable workflows for token boards/token economy, activities that can be grouped in schedules and visual communication boards for manding.

This motivational system application was specifically designed for the clinical, educational and behavioral treatment of autism and other developmental disabilities and should be supervised by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral (BCBA-D) to ensure its individualization to the student and implementation across settings in consistent with empirically-supported methods in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA - token economy). Furthermore, the BCBA-D should be the main point of contact with change agents in each treatment setting, thereby lending support to parents and school officials. CAUTION: Using this application incorrectly may result in a failure to acquire instructional control and may contribute to increases in problem behavior. Professionals practicing ABA should consult with a BCBA-D before implementing this application with a student.

This app was customized for the treatment program managed by Dr. Michael Lafasakis, BCBA-D, and his team in Brooklyn, NY. Similar applications tailored for a specific therapeutic program, can be developed on request. Please contact the developer at [email protected]
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